
每次公司一忙碌起來就想吃巧克力. 雖然說巧克力有提神, 鎮定和改善情緒的作用. 可是這樣吃一定會更胖… 完蛋了. Side Note: Proposed light-rail extension heading for ballot: 十一月份的投票將決定它的前途. 滿貴的 Packages. 1. 大眾運輸的部份增加 0.5% 的營業稅. 2. 道路方面增加 0.1% 的營業稅, 和每 $10,000 的汽車價值增加 $80 的汽車牌照稅. Got milk money? Prices up as world wants more dairy Condos springing up near Pike Place Market A snap decision: Must 787 tests break the wing? Study of incomes for men in 30s: Dad had it better Mission impassable: Get to wilds Immigrant application fees to rise average of 66 percent

免費 SIFF 的票

我有兩組(每組兩張) Seattle International Film Festival 的票. 問了下住西雅圖市中心和華大的一些人, 不過華大那段時間似乎是期末考. 反正就是沒有人有時間啦. The Life of Reilly (Film) 時間: June 4th, 9:30pm 地點: Harvard Exit (807 E. Roy Street) A Conversation With Julien Temple (注意這是個 Event) 時間: June 5th, 7:00pm 地點: SIFF Cinema (Nesholm Family Lecture Hall at McCaw Hall, Seattle Center) 如果有興趣的人, 請 e-mail 給我. 我再寄過去給你. Side Note: New home sales have biggest surge in 14 years Wild Sky bill passes key committee Chinook Pass expected to open Thursday: 這表示可以經由 Mt. Rainier 來回大西雅圖地區和 Yakima. 這並不表示可以繞圈遊 Mt. Rainier.

10 gallons for $10 Friday morning

10 gallons for $10 Friday morning 時間: 5 月 25 日. 6:00am – 9:00am. 不過根據去年經驗, 可能早上五點就有人會開始去那裡排隊. 地點: Auburn: 101 Auburn Way S. (前 200 輛車) Spokane: 10100 N. Newport Highway (前 200 輛車) Kennewick: 2825 W Kennewick Ave. (前 100 輛車) 非商用車輛, 購買 $10 的 Quick-Pick Mega Millions 的樂透, 10 加侖的汽油只要 $10. Side Note: Fuel surcharge on cab ride goes to $1.50 Study shows seniors are engines in society Medical Side Note: Diabetes medicine can boost heart risk Supplements may relieve arthritic joint pain Your diet can ease or increase inflammation