新移民好幫手 (Eastside)

兩年前曾經看過有人拿著這本由 Eastside Human Services Forum 出版, 專門寫給 Eastside 居民的新移民好幫手的中文小冊子. 今天不小心讓我在網路上找到了. 雖然是 2004 年 11 月的版本, 不過基本功能還是一樣的. 如果你是住在像 Bellevue, Kirkland, Issaquah, Redmonds 等地, 這是一本不錯的參考書. Snohomish County 也有這類似的小冊子. 不過自從 2004 版之後, 似乎就沒有見過了.

The Museum Day (九月二十九日)

今年的 The Museum Day 是九月二十九日(星期六). 以下的華盛頓州博物館在當天會有免費的入館. 不過千萬別忘了列印並在入館時出示 The Museum Day Admission Card 才可以免費入館. Birthplace of Seattle Log House Museum: Seattle, Washington Experience Music ProjectScience Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame: Seattle, Washington Henry Art Gallery: Seattle, Washington Maryhill Museum of Art: Goldendale, Washington Museum of History & Industry: Seattle, Washington Northwest Museum of Arts & Culture: Spokane, Washington Olympic Sculpture Park: 已經是免費: Seattle, Washington Polson Museum: Hoquiam, Washington Seattle Art Museum: Seattle, Washington Seattle Asian Art Museum: Seattle, Washington Tacoma Art Museum: Tacoma, Washington The Museum of Flight: Seattle, Washington Washington State History Museum: Tacoma, Washington Wing Luke Asian Museum: Seattle, Washington World Kite Museum: Long Beach, Washington Side Note: Flu-shot benefit overstated? A break for budgets: PSE slashes natural-gas rates School crimes under wraps: Assaults, robberies not always reported to police Beware elder abuse as population ages Divorce more likely with 2 cancer types Medical Side Note: Chances of breast cancer jump with heavy drinking