Puget Sound Community Checkup

Puget Sound Community Checkup First checkup for area’s clinics Local health care ‘checkup’ finds room for improvement Side Note: City of BellevueCrimeWeb 合作, 讓住在 Bellevue 的居民們可以在第一時間內從 e-mail 或 test messaging 獲取社區內最新的消息. 有興趣的人可以至 CrimeWeb 註冊. 資料的提供是以郵遞區號為本. Average property tax is up $184 in Seattle Study links baby products to phthalates (鄰苯二甲酸鹽) First-period kits like Dot Girl help tweens come of age with confidence Google Maps: Dish Pointer Flight Tracker Movie Mapper


John Standard International School 之後, 西雅圖學區計畫在今年秋季於 Beacon Hill Elementary 開始另一個國際學校. 和 John Standard International School 教授小朋友西班牙文和日文. Beacon Hill Elementary 將著重於西班牙文和華文. School to be Seattle’s 2nd international elementary Language-immersion elementary school coming to South End Side Note: Milk, eggs, whatever: It’s costing you more Seattle crime at 39-year low Drop in single-family home sales the largest in 25 years Immigrant’s drive, spicy tofu build empire: SeattleTimes 的一個有趣的文章, 關於 BCD (Buk Chang Dong) Tofu House. 22511 Highway 99, Edmonds, WA 和 18230 E. Valley Hwy, #166, Kent, WA. Medical Side Note: FDA: Cold Medicines Too Risky for Tots DNA test could soon tell risk of prostate cancer U.S. abortion rate falls again High mercury content found in NYC sushi, Seattle below average The Pill protects against cancer Cold meds send 7,000 kids to hospitals