辦護照只要 12 天.

辦護照竟然只要 12 天, 還包括週末!!! 不過我想大概是小朋友的護照不用做調查什麼的, 所以就快很多… Note: 不要相信 Branch Office 的人說的, Birth Certificate 根本沒有還回來. 結果還要再重新去 County Health District 辦一張…$25. 我知道如果是親自去西雅圖市中心的 Jackson Federal Building 辦, 裡面的人直接看 Certificate 就當場還回來. 可是去 Branch Office 辦 Certificate 就要和護照申請表一起送過去. 有沒有還回來就要看運氣了…我想? 真的會還回來嗎? 也許再等幾天看看??? === 謝謝阿光, 我們今天(3/5/08)收到了. 原來是分開寄的 === Side Note: Fatal mix: Young drivers and riders Gift cards worthless if retailer folds Is modern lifestyle a sickening way to live? Baby Einstein alters claim that its DVDs educate infants Medical Side Note: New health risk seen after hormone use Cancer study likely to change practice of colonoscopy Flat growths in colon are cancer risk

總統先生, 您還真不知民間疾苦???

$4-a-gallon gas? Predictions surprise Bush

Peter Maer of CBS News Radio asked: “What's your advice to the average American who is hurting now, facing the prospect of $4-a-gallon gasoline, a lot of people facing … ”

“Wait, what did you just say?” the president interrupted. “You're predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline?”

Maer responded: “A number of analysts are predicting $4-a-gallon gasoline.”

Bush's rejoinder: “Oh, yeah? That's interesting. I hadn't heard that.”

Side Note:
Snow and rain are laden with bacteria
Consumers fight rising use of hidden fees
One-third of workers sleepy enough to doze on the job, survey finds

Medical Side Note:
Vitamin E won't help, may hurt, cancer study says