新的 Outlets Mall (五月五日)

[img=images/image_outlets.gif popup=false] 照片出處: Google Map At Quil Ceda, it takes a village to raise an outlet mall 距離西雅圖市中心北方約四十英哩的 Seattle Premium Outlets 將於下個週末(五月五日)開張. 這將是大西雅圖地區在 Factory Stores at North BendSupermall 外第三個 Outlets Mall. 目前並沒有公車可以直達, 公車要約今年九月份, 當購物區的公車候車站安裝了以後才會有. 最近的公車只到 Tulalip Casino, 距離同一條道路再往北的 Outlets Mall 還差四個街口(搭乘 Community Transit #221). 如果這距離並不能阻擋你購物的決心, 公車資訊可至大西雅圖地區的購物中心查詢. 駕車則是 I-5 往北, 並在第 202 號出口下高速公路, 並左轉. Outlets Mall 就在 I-5 的西邊. Seattle’s Convention and Visitors BureauCoupon Book 可以利用.


從七月一日起, 每包的香煙稅將從 $1.425 增加到 $2.025. 如果從網路上或跨州買煙, 也必須要自首報稅. 如果被抓到抽沒有繳稅的煙, 則需要付每包 $10 或至多 $250 的罰款(取較多的那一個). Chapter 82.24 RCW TAX ON CIGARETTES 想戒煙, 來華盛頓州似乎是不錯的選擇… Side Note: 七月一日起, 酒也要加稅 (Liquor Tax). 每公升 (liter), 將增加 $1.33. 只是一直找不到目前的 Liquor Tax 數字.

[新聞] Highline School District 將關閉四所學校

Highline School District (Burien) 位於 Sea-Tac 機場西邊. Highline district to close 4 schools Highline district to close 4 schools SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER STAFF BURIEN — Four elementary schools will be closed, and school boundaries will be redrawn as part of a plan to save the Highline School District more than $1.2 million a year. The district decided to close schools because enrollment figures have dropped by 1,200 students since 1997 and were projected to continue to decline. Last week, the Highline School Board approved a plan based on recommendations from a citizen task force. Under the plan, three elementary schools will close in June: Sunnydale, Salmon Creek and Olympic Intermediate. North Hill Primary’s kindergarten through third-graders and Olympic’s fourth- through sixth-graders will move to a new building next fall. Salmon Creek students will be reassigned to Hazel Valley, White Center Heights or Mount View. Sunnydale students will be reassigned to Marvista, Gregory Heights or Cedarhurst. A fourth elementary school, Valley View, will close in June 2007 and move into a new building that fall with students from Bow Lake Elementary. Students affected by the boundary changes have until May 13 to ask to be transferred to another school.