
有孩子在西雅圖的學區嗎? 記得注意一下學校提供的資訊. Seattle PI: Schools will bring in water —————————————– Seattle Public Schools will provide bottled water to about 70 schools after the winter break and test drinking water in all locations following an analysis initiated by a parent that showed high levels of lead and cadmium in drinking fountains. At a meeting last night, the board directed Superintendent Raj Manhas to undertake the testing and report back to the board by February with a plan on how to proceed with and fund any necessary repairs. “This is a critical health problem that we have to act upon,” said School Board member Dick Lilly. “We have to protect the health of kids.” John Vacchiery, the district’s director of facilities planning and enrollment, said the water testing would likely cost between $48,000 and $64,000. Providing drinking water to just 40 schools for a year, he said, would cost about $700,000. Vacchiery estimated it would cost roughly $10 million to replace galvanized iron pipes, a major source of lead contamination, in the 38 district schools built between 1900 and the 1960s. There are about 100 schools in the district. The issue arises at a crucial time for the district, which will put two major levies before voters in February. The board would have had to decide by tomorrow if it wanted to increase one of the levies to cover any water system repairs, but instead delayed a decision on how to pay for any remedial work. Manhas sent a memo to principals on Monday, acknowledging that the last comprehensive water testing and repairs at schools were done in the early 1990s and noted that the district has no consistent testing program in place. Public schools, with the exception of the few that have their own water source, such as a well, are not required by state or federal law to test their drinking water for contaminants. State standards are based on the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, passed in 1974 to regulate the country’s public drinking water supply. The act covers water suppliers such as Seattle Public Utilities but treats schools like private homes and other customers. Questions about drinking water quality came to light recently when Mark Cooper and Geoff Compeau, two parents who have children at Wedgwood Elementary School, began asking questions about the orange-colored water coming out of the school’s taps. Using reports of water testing done at the school a decade ago, Cooper and Compeau identified four fountains with lead levels exceeding the maximum allowable limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency. They took samples from the fountains last Friday and had them tested at a certified lab in Bothell. All four showed lead levels exceeding EPA limits of 20 parts per billion (ppb), and one of the four had cadmium levels higher than the 5 ppb EPA limit. One drinking fountain, located in a classroom, had lead levels 10 times over the limit. Cooper said he’s “outraged” at the district’s inattention to the problem, particularly since a 1993 district report recommended replacing all piping at four district schools – Wedgwood, Fairmount Park, Schmitz Park and Mann, which now houses NOVA alternative school. The report, which followed the comprehensive water tests, also recommended the district conduct random sampling to ensure lead levels stay within recommended levels and replace fixtures in fountains with lead levels over the limit. Vacchiery said to the best of his knowledge, the pipes at the four schools were not replaced. “I’m going to assume they were not,” he said. Vacchiery said there have been numerous facilities directors at the district since the early 1990s, he said, and he’s trying to determine at which schools repairs were done. Troy White, an environmental coordinator for the district, said additional water testing was done in 2000 and 2001, but it was limited to fewer than 400 samples at about 27 schools. Data released by the district appears to indicate that only one of the four schools cited in the 1993 report, Schmitz Park, was tested at that time. It showed lead levels over EPA limits in two fountains, one of them five times over the allowable limit. After 1993, there was a plan in place to flush water fountains on a regular basis to reduce lead levels, but Vacchiery said he didn’t know whether that plan was followed rigorously. Drinking fountains were replaced in many buildings, he said, but repairs “weren’t systematic.” In 1990, the district tested drinking water at 80 of its schools and facilities. At the time, it was determined that lead levels in drinking water “could be reduced significantly” by flushing the fountains periodically during the day. However, a staff report concluded that the best solution was to eventually replace the materials contributing to lead levels in the water. Elaine Packard, principal at NOVA, which was constructed in 1902, said her focus on water quality predates the district wide testing. “I knew that this building was old, and I knew that the pipes could have lead in them,” said Packard, who’s been at the school since 1974. For 15 years or more, she said, NOVA students and teachers have been supplied with bottled water “because I had committed to having drinking water we knew would be safe.” The school paid for the water from its own budget initially. Packard asked the district to test the water at least twice, she said. The water failed a lead-contamination test Packard estimated took place in the mid-1980s. Although the water fountains were shut off, sink taps remained on line, and district administrators urged her to flush the pipes by running the water for several minutes first thing in the morning. Fairmount principal Davy Muth, who’s been at the school since 1998, said she was not aware of any potential problems with the school’s water until district officials visited her yesterday and told her the water would be safe as long as custodians flushed the school fountains twice daily. Up to that point, Muth said, teachers and students drank the water. “We didn’t know any better.”

2004 年最低工資每小時 $7.16

從 2004 年的一月一號開始, 華盛頓州的每小時最低工資調整為 $7.16 元. 這將是全美每小時最低工資最高的州. 全美的每小時平均最低工資自從 1997 年起便沒有變化, 約每小時 $5.15. 這要感謝華盛頓州的選民在 1997 年投票同意. 每小時最低工資應該要隨著物價指數而每年彈性的調整. 2003 年的每小時最低工資為 $7.01 元

上網買香煙嗎? 準備交稅吧!

華盛頓州政府準備開始對那些上網購買香煙逃避交稅的華盛頓州居民征稅. U.S. District Court in Seattle 已經准許華盛頓州 Department of Revenue 對一些網上賣香煙的網站要求提供從 2001 年 1 月 1 號起, 在網上購買香煙的華盛頓居民的列表. 香煙稅提報單 Internet Tobacco Seller Agrees to Turn Over Lists of Washington Customers to Department of Revenue SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 11, 2003 — A Kentucky company that sells cut-rate cigarettes over the Internet has agreed to provide the Washington State Department of Revenue with lists of its customers so the state can collect unpaid taxes. www.Dirtcheapcig.com, Inc. entered into a stipulated judgment in U.S. District Court in Seattle agreeing to provide the state with the names and addresses of all Washington customers that have purchased cigarettes and other tobacco products since Jan. 1, 2001, and to file monthly reports in the future. Attorney General Christine Gregoire sued the company in October 2002 on behalf of the Department of Revenue. The Department had been unable to get the company to comply with the federal Jenkins Act, which requires remote sellers to provide the customer lists. Congress passed the Jenkins Act in 1955 to reduce the loss of revenue to states caused by failure to pay sales and use taxes on cigarettes shipped across state lines directly to customers. www.dirtcheapcig.com initially contended that it wasn’t required to file the reports, but relented after Judge Robert Lasnik ruled that the Department of Revenue had jurisdiction to enforce the Jenkins Act. Cigarette tax evasion has grown as the tax on cigarettes and other tobacco products has risen, first through legislative action in the mid-1990s and more recently through citizen initiative. Most of the revenues provide affordable health care to families. “Enforcement of our state’s cigarette excise tax is critical to the public health,” said Gregoire. “The court recognized that Internet cigarette sales are not exempt from taxation, and this settlement will help ensure that those taxes are properly paid.” Acting Revenue Director Will Rice said the state will begin sending bills to purchasers for unpaid taxes. Those who fail to comply will be subject to fines and collection action. “Nobody likes paying taxes, but it’s simply not fair to let online retailers undercut state tax systems this way,” said Rice. “Moreover, they mislead their customers into thinking that it is legal to buy cigarettes without paying Washington taxes.” Rice said now that the state has successfully pursued its case against www.dirtcheapcig.com, it may pursue dozens of other Internet sellers who also refuse to provide lists. Some of these vendors, concerned perhaps by the lawsuits brought by Washington and other states, have begun voluntarily providing the lists. For more information contact: Mike Gowrylow (360) 486-2113