
實在是沒有必要為了櫻桃而去 Yakima 露營, Yakima 實在是太熱了. 不過滿街隨時可以西班牙文聽力的練習機會, 倒是滿有趣的. 除非是去 u-pick 櫻桃(還要買很多的那種), 道路邊上的, 或是 Farmer’s Market 上賣的櫻桃都是和在大西雅圖地區差不了多少. 花掉的油錢一定是高過特地過山去買櫻桃的價錢. 事實上, 今年較平均來得大的春雨, 打掉了不少櫻桃. 因此今年的華盛頓州櫻桃價錢比往年都貴得多. Side Note: Seattle closure list cut back to 7 schools Loyalty and habit play a big role in grocery shopping Medical Side Note: Study finds a clear link between obesity and mood disorders Highest recommended dose of Tylenol linked to liver problems Tylenol may hurt liver, tests find Flu often isn’t diagnosed in children, study finds Doctors fail to diagnose flu in kids, study finds

Big Four

[img=images/image_20060625_bigfour.jpg popup=false] 上次去 Big Four 的時候是去晚了, 那些冰都已經是髒兮兮的. 昨天去的時候, 反而冰洞都還沒有出現. 不過小朋友似乎比我想像的還要好…只要和其他的小朋友一起. 如果是獨自一個人走, 沒有三分鐘就累了. Medical Side Note: Feel fat? See if these excuses might fit you Surgeon general warns of secondhand smoke Study suggests homosexuality begins in womb Fewer teens having babies; more are poor “Senior moments” may be Alzheimer’s Obesity figures into prostate cancer’s return Men with older brothers more likely to be gay Chinese, English speakers handle arithmetic differently