
一直有人告訴我, 我自言自語就算了, 不要跟自己講話和對他人的講話聲調一樣大. 看起來很奇怪… 不過終於見識到有人比我更利害… 今天在公車上見識到一位說著華語的女生, 自己在那裡自言自語. 嗓門之大半個公車內的人都可以聽得一清二楚. 華人多的城市=城市有華語的翻譯 城市沒有華語翻譯=華人少的城市 華大這詞是誰翻譯的 上面看不懂沒有關係, 我只是寫下些她自言自語的大概而已… Side Note: U.S. foreclosure rates up 25 percent year-over-year Heart transplants fare better from same sex Study: Calif dirty air kills more than car crashes Prescription pill deaths soar

Not Again…

習慣在 laptop 插電的時候把電池給拆了下來, 結果卻又常常忘了放回去. 還好火車上有插頭, 不然就只好在上面打瞌睡了… [img=http://www.soundtransit.org/images/riding/sounder-icon-sm.gif] Sounder Commuter Rail – Seattle – Everett Sounder trains delayed — 10/30 Posted Date: 10/30/08 – 2:23 p.m. 10/30 — SOUNDER DELAYS Due to mechanical difficulties, northline Sounder trains to Everett may depart King Street Station approximately 10 minutes late. Southbound trains to Tacoma are not affected. Please check back as updates are available. Side Note: College costs may spike with economy’s slide Is setting clock back good for your ticker? Racial differences in savings cause for concern IRS looks for people owed refund checks