
每次從 Swamp Creek Park & Ride 遙望著 Ash Way Park & Ride. 這距離看起來並不遠, 最慘應該在十五分鐘內可以走到吧? 每次總是這麼的想著. 由於從 Swamp Creek Park & Ride 到 Ash Way Park & Ride 的公車老是誤點, 因而常常無法趕上預計的轉乘公車. 這更加深想要試著走走看的決心. 趁著天氣好時, 決定就試一試! 開始從 Swamp Creek Park & Ride 走到 Ash Way Park & Ride. 結果還是無法從人願, Swamp Creek Park & Ride 到 Ash Way Park & Ride 對我來說十五分鐘是走不到的. 經走過的結果需要約十八分鐘. 由於 Swamp Creek Park & Ride 到 Ash Way Park & Ride 的公車是每十五分鐘一班, 因此留下來等公車的機會似乎還是好了些.

Farewell and Good Luck

今天一位工作的伙伴被請走了…他離開並不是因為裁員. 畢竟他以前就在這公司待過一段不短的日子. 離開後也斷斷續續的還幫公司做了幾個獨立專案. 最近的一次是約兩年前吧!!! 所以當他提出回到公司時, 大家還滿高興. 這根本不用面談就直接上班的. 很不幸的, 約一個月前當他開始回到公司後, 大家發現他的心思似乎不在這裡. 一些很基本的程式問題對他現在而言卻是無比困難. 他似乎變了另一個人似的. 兩年可以讓一個人忘了一些以前賴以為生的吃飯傢伙? 實在是個很可怕的問題? 真的是要常常推著自己進步才行…

又是 Not Again (二)

昨天回家到了通勤停車場就見到警車在那裡閃著. 還有一位先生在那裡填單子. 雖說還是可以看到地上的碎玻璃, 只是沒有親眼看到玻璃被打破的車子. 因此也不能假設什麼. 應該換地點停車了嗎? Side Note: 10 ways to be happy in marriage More homeowners Washington behind on mortgages Whooping cough (百日咳) outbreak feared Check IRS site often for benefits of stimulus Here are 10 ways you can save a thousand bucks Children of older fathers have lower IQ scores, study shows 4 states see double-digit jobless rates in Jan. Screening can find ovarian cancer (卵巢癌) early, study says Stock losses short state tuition plans: ”Seven of the 18 — Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Texas, Virginia and Washington — back their plans if money runs short, according to college savings organizations and state officials.’ ‘GET’s self-sustaining fund, which covers tuition payments for participating college students, lost almost one-fourth of its value in 2008. But at a current level of $820 million, the fund is well positioned to meet its obligations now and for years to come, Martensen said. In any case, state law calls for the state treasury to cover payouts if the fund ever runs short.’ More owners losing homes Free recycling for your old electronics