Why no one fights back

There are more guns in this country than people.  With so many crazy mass shootings, why does no one fight back?  Where are people who have guns that can protect themselves and others?

“Drug free zone” or “gun free zone”?

Those are for good people.  When someone wants to do killing, these are inviting signs.  Violence against violence is never a solution.

Clothes are getting too small

I am growing sideways.  I can’t even see my toes when I look down. All I see now is my big belly.

I do not think my exercise works. I am still growing sideways.

Purchasing power

Ten years ago, $10 can buy a lunch at McDonald’s for a family of three (couple plus one kid).

Five years ago, $15 buy a lunch at McDonald’s for a family of four (couple plus two kids).

Yesterday, I would need $25 to buy a lunch at McDonald’s for a family of five (couple plus three kids).

However, during the past ten years, my income only increases about 30%.

The most important factor of a purchasing power is not based off inflation but your own kids.  The purchasing power goes down dramatically as the kids grow up.  I can’t image what my life will be if they choose to go to college.