
去年十一月投票通過的 Initiative 901, 所有的公共場所包括門口, 窗戶和排氣孔起 25 英呎內的外圍地區不可以抽煙. 金恩郡公車候車亭將包括在公共場所之一. 因此從現在起公車候車亭也禁止吸煙, 違規者將被罰 $100. Smoking banned at bus shelters No smoking at bus shelters Greater Seattle Side Note: Home sales slow a bit, but sellers still see lots of buyers Cooling? Housing prices here still on rise Lower-income loans are out there for first-time home buyers 這次 King County 是玩真的了. 目前使用的金恩郡皇冠郡徽將確定改成金恩博士頭像的郡徽. King County’s new logo — Martin Luther King Jr. No smoking at bus shelters Medical Side Note: Obesity in kids growing strain on public health Obese may be more sensitive to pain Dutch researchers find more reasons to eat chocolate A run-through of common mistakes on the treadmill Study says supplements don’t ease arthritis pain: 還需要買維骨力嗎? Flu shots advised for young children Side Note: Domestic abuse victims bring the burden to work Cheap Ski Fruits, vegetables not as nutritious as 50 years ago Can you have a sex life in the afterlife?
