- Why intense light can protect cardiovascular health: The light boosts a critical gene that strengthens blood vessels — ScienceDaily
- Good heart health at age 50 linked to lower dementia risk later in life: Findings support policies to improve midlife cardiovascular health to promote later brain health — ScienceDaily
- A New Blood Test For Breast Cancer Could Stop Recurrences | Time
- Here’s How Much Caffeine Triggers a Migraine | Time
- Do Older People Have a Different Smell? – The New York Times
之後到 University of British Columbia 計畫參觀 Beaty Biodiversity Museum,Pacific Museum of Earth 和 Museum of Anthropology,還買了他們的連票。
結果進到 Museum of Anthropology 才發現這裡的展示之豐富,最後只有參觀了 Museum of Anthropology,另兩個下次再來逛了。還好連票是沒有使用期限的。
晚上就到 Aberdeen Centre 解決,約九點的時候到了邊界,沒有五分鐘就過關了。