- Obesity significantly increased heart failure risk among women with late menopause — ScienceDaily
- High cardiovascular risk is associated with symptoms of depression: Improving cardiovascular health might help prevent the onset of depression in the elderly, researchers say — ScienceDaily
- Most older adults want to ‘age in place’ but many haven’t taken steps to help them do so: From home safety and accessibility, to social support, community services and paid in-home help, National Poll on Healthy Aging shows varied preparation — ScienceDaily
- Even small amounts of exercise fight depression, study says – CNN
- Second Booster COVID-19 Vaccine: Should I Get One? | Time
趁著春假和孩子有 50% Adidas 的折扣,又跑去了 Portland 的 Adidas Employee Store。今天的人潮比過節的時候少了很多,利用季節的替換買了些冬季的衣服。
之後去了 IKEA 吃午餐,又去了 Costco。這一次沒有去 Columbia Employee Store,雖然有 30% 的折扣,但是店裡面的價錢加上折扣一點也沒有比外面便宜。
昨晚睡得晚,再加上起床得早,回家之前去 Black Rock Coffee Bar 買一杯提神飲料,終於撐回西雅圖。
晚餐在 IHOP 解決。幾個月前一份 $6 的漢堡,已經漲價到 $8。