- Why Massive Numbers of Farmed Salmon Are Dying | TIME
- Transitioning at an older age brings unique challenges, and maybe new community. : NPR
- Doctors question science behind blood sugar diet trend
- Women who do strength training live longer. How much is enough? : NPR
- Coke’s surprising history explored in ‘Bottled: How Coca-Cola Became African’ : Goats and Soda : NPR
學校沒有上課,從 school yard 拿到兩張週末的 remodeling expo 門票,把車子停在 Northgate 停車場,搭輕鐵到西雅圖市中心,第一次到 convention center 逛逛。
之後時間還好天氣也不錯,繞到 Pike Place Market 逛逛。冬季的 Pike Place Market 是最舒服的,沒有什麼觀光客。
約了三間可以改裝窗戶到門的 contractors.