- Why men, wealthy people and maritime residents are more likely to develop skin cancer | ScienceDaily
- Parental incarceration increases cardiovascular risk in young adults, study suggests | ScienceDaily
- Sepsis — as common as cancer, as deadly as a heart attack | ScienceDaily
- Pedal power pays off: Mountain biking benefits outweigh risks, research finds | ScienceDaily
- There’s Now an At-Home Menopause Test | Time
去 Goodwill 捐了一堆東西,Northwest Center 並不收行李,Goodwill 還收。
之後去 Meadowdale Beach Trail 繞了一圈。從火車上知道那地方正在做改善工程,舊的行人和溪水相混的隧道被改成了座橋,看起來舒坦許多。。