- People who have trouble sleeping are at a higher risk of dying early – especially diabetics — ScienceDaily
- Menstrual Cups in Museums? It’s Time. – The New York Times
- 10 Major Health Breakthroughs You Missed During the Pandemic | Time
- How The Price Of A Toyota Truck Helps Explain Surging Inflation : NPR
- Having trouble falling asleep predicts cognitive impairment in later life: Study identifies an insomnia symptom that could be an intervention target for dementia prevention — ScienceDaily
昨天終於走了已經想了好幾個星期的 Lowell Riverfront Park。
這個公園以前只有短短的 1.5 英哩,不過自從旁邊沿著 Snohomish River 建了一群的住宅,從衛星照片上似乎可以走得很遠。
從 Lowell Riverfront Park 繞過第一個住宅區,再繞進另一個小徑,經過 Riverfront BLVD,終於到了 I-5 第 194 號出口旁的鐵軌平交道,最後再沿著原路走回來。
不太確定來回有多遠,Google Maps 沒有辦法標示出來,應該是 5 英哩吧!