- Singing may reduce stress, improve motor function for people with Parkinson’s disease — ScienceDaily
- Some factors have a greater impact on heart attack risk in women than they do in men: High blood pressure, smoking and diabetes increase heart attack risk more in women than in men — ScienceDaily
- Yoga and meditation on the rise among US adults and kids – CNN
- Fascia blasting: The real science behind the trend – CNN
- Here’s When Your Body Burns the Most Calories | Time
今天組裡有招待午餐,我們選出到第四街的 Lola。大部份的人都是點羊肉漢堡,我點了個不常見的考魷魚餐。
沙拉是希臘式的,還有幾片的 pita 麵包,至於那魷魚烤得還滿辣的。