- What is the Health Breach Notification Rule, Who Does It Apply To?
- Evidence of telehealth effectiveness versus in-person care ‘weak’
- How old is your bone marrow? | ScienceDaily
- Coronavirus FAQ: Is the 6-foot rule debunked? Or does distance still protect you? : Goats and Soda : NPR
- What do heatwaves do to the body and who is at risk?
早上準時的到地點接去 ACES 的學生,等了十分鐘結果從無線電裡傳來今天他請假。

十點的時候來了輛 Kona Ice 的車子,公司讓員工免費享用。中午十二點前不吃零食的我也只能破例。這個地方每個月總是會有些激勵員工的活動。
下午回家時交通非常阻塞,送第一個學生回家時已經慢了十分鐘。想說沿著 35th 應該會比較快,結果也是非常的塞,又另外慢了五分鐘。