- Daily low-dose aspirin no longer recommended as heart attack preventative for healthy adults – CNN
- Lowering blood pressure prevents worsening brain damage in elderly: Study suggests more aggressive hypertension treatment could help preserve brain function as well as reduce cardiovascular events — ScienceDaily
- New study suggests fish oil derivative may benefit heart health – CNN
- Early Detection Is Possible for Pancreatic Cancer – The New York Times
- Taking statins for heart disease cuts risk in half, yet only 6 percent of patients taking as directed — ScienceDaily
上星期不小心把自己從 Google Cloud Platform 移除了,左右跨海問了一些人,結果我是公司內唯一有 admin access 的人。
查了下公司的 support level,卻是最基本的 billing 和 community support。聽起來滿好笑的,不過也只能死馬當活馬醫。上網到 stackoverflow 說明我的問題,結果還真有 Google Support 在網上回答我的難處。
當然,我這問題只能 tech 解決,所以在 Google Support 幫忙下修復了問題,不過這 Community Support 還真是個回事。