- Walking briskly reduces risk for cancer, heart disease, early death, study says | CNN
- Exercise hormone halts Parkinson’s disease symptoms in mouse study — ScienceDaily
- Pace as important as 10,000 steps for health — ScienceDaily
- The economics behind ‘quiet quitting’ — and what we should call it instead : Planet Money : NPR
- A scientific way to calm and put a crying baby to sleep – CNN
今天是騎 Centennial Trail 的北段,這是我們第一次騎這路線。
從 Getchell Trail Head 一路騎到終點 Centennial Trail North Trailhead。終點有一棟農舍建築,是 George Nakashima 建築師小時候的居住地。
單程 17.2 英哩,來回就是 34.4 英哩。第一次騎超過 30 英哩的路程。