- Electric signals between individual cardiac cells regulate heartbeat — ScienceDaily
- Eating whole grains linked to smaller increases in waist size, blood pressure, blood sugar: Study in middle- to older-aged adults suggests whole grains may protect against heart disease — ScienceDaily
- Bacteria are key to vaginal health, study finds — ScienceDaily
- He Thought It Was the Flu, but He Had Never Been So Sick – The New York Times
- How Walking Can Build Up the Brain – The New York Times
這週回到 Golden Garden Park,不過是帶著腳踏車。
從這裡沿著 Burke-Gilman Trail 往東希望能到達上一次從 Bothell 出發時折返的地點,Mathews Beach Park。
一路上很多腳踏車騎士,還有一段騎在 Shilshole Avenue NW 和車子相爭,經過上週才走過的 Fremont,Gas Works Park,孩子在 U-District 北 25th Avenue NE 屁股不支必須返回,總共騎了 8.4 英里,還差了 4.4 英里。