- Google AI tool can help patients identify skin conditions – BBC News
- Why Do Older Individuals Have Greater Control of Their Feelings? | Science | Smithsonian Magazine
- What Can and Can’t Be Learned From a Doctor in China Who Pioneered Masks – The New York Times
- Book Review: ‘Evolution Gone Wrong’ Helps Answer Why Human Bodies Are Flawed : NPR
- A Primer on Inflation — Why Prices Rise, When to Worry
再一次地停在 Bothell 的 Sammamish River Park,這一次是往西雅圖的方向。
孩子騎腳踏車的速度很慢,一個小時多後才到 Matthews Beach,屁股都坐痛了。
調頭回到 Bothell,總共是 17 英里,還有二十英里需要慢慢地完成。