- Could poor sleep in middle age speed up brain aging? | ScienceDaily
- Popular diabetes and weight-loss drug may reduce risk of Alzheimer’s disease | ScienceDaily
- Study finds intense exercise may suppress appetite in healthy humans | ScienceDaily
- Opioids may negatively impact hormone health | ScienceDaily
- Research shows urine tests may detect early diseases | ScienceDaily
開學第一天,早上去 PC park out 幫忙一位駕駛開車,因為她的駕駛證件有些問題。還好下午她被通知一切都沒有問題。
下午則是跟著一位新駕駛 ride along,如果她有什麼問題可以當場幫忙。
回到辦公室,以為今天結束了,快四點時臨時被叫去幫忙載 EES 的小朋友回家。