- Is stroke linked to depression before it occurs? — ScienceDaily
- Cycling gives me a place to connect when nothing makes sense : NPR
- Just half of parents recognize screen time impact on children’s eye health — ScienceDaily
- What Pregnancy and Childbirth Do to the Bodies of Young Girls – The New York Times
- Loss of ‘youth’ protein may drive aging in the eye: Eyes of mice lacking protective protein show signs similar to age-related macular degeneration — ScienceDaily
車子一次裝不下七個 pallets,早上先載上四個去 Home Depot。結果發現我當初訂購 wall blocks 時,不知怎麼搞的,收據上並沒有 pallets,因此必須要用特別退貨的方式,三位 Home Depot 的員工,弄了近一個小時才搞懂是怎麼回事。
下午再拿三個 pallets 去還。這位 Home Depot 員工信誓旦旦地相信自己可以搞定,畢竟她以前已經處理過好幾次,結果還是弄不好。事實上,我注意到她和早上使用不同的程式做退還的動作。半個多小時後,她終於放棄。應該是六十元加稅,乾脆還我近七十元。