- Sperm help ‘persuade’ the female to accept pregnancy — ScienceDaily
- Think Before You Make a Big Change – The New York Times
- Taking more steps daily may lead to a longer life — ScienceDaily
- Worrying about your heart increases risk for mental health disorders: Heart-focused anxiety a significant predictor of depression — ScienceDaily
- Thin and brittle bones strongly linked to women’s heart disease risk: Thinning lower spine, top of thigh bone and hip predictive of raised heart attack/stroke risk — ScienceDaily
跟著建議從保險絲盒,把 F-18 的保險絲給拔出來,雨刷沒有電停了下來。讓孩子繼續練車。
一個小時多後回到家,把 F-18 的保險絲再接回去,雨刷終於聽話了。