- Vigorous exercise may preserve cognition in high-risk patients with hypertension | ScienceDaily
- AI-Driven Behavior Change Could Transform Health Care | TIME
- Why do you keep your house so cold? Science says: Ask your parents | ScienceDaily
- Home test reveals the risk of heart attack in five minutes | ScienceDaily
- Already 30 minutes of exercise increases the proportion of tumor-killing white blood cells in blood | ScienceDaily
下午載學生回家時,累得很想睡覺。拿出已經準備好的巧克力想要提神一下。只聽見後面那位自閉症的學生,”I want Lindt Lindor Assorted Chocolate Truffles.”
一般人想要巧克力,比如,”can I have one?” 他竟然是把全名都記起來。