- A Jane Brody Birthday Milestone: 80! – The New York Times
- Unlike Other Groups, Black Men’s Health Does Not Improve With Education Levels : Shots – Health News : NPR
- How Do I Know if My Teen Is OK? – The New York Times
- 5 ways to repair a friendship (or leave it behind if toxic) – CNN
- The CDC was too cautious about what vaccinated people can do, doctors say. Now pendulum has swung in the opposite direction – CNN
車子停在靠近 Expedia 總部和 91 號碼頭附近,16th Avenue W 的停車場。那是個付錢的立體停車場,不過有些位置是特地給來公園的遊客免費停車。
沿著 Elliott Bay Trail 往南走,經過 The Beach at Expedia Group,Elliott Bay Park,Pier 86 Grain Terminal,Çentennial Park,Myrtle Edwards Park,Pocket Beach 後,就到了 Olympic Sculpture Park。距離大約是 1.5 英里。

之後再繼續順著 Waterfront 走到 Seattle Ferry Terminal,這是另一個 1.5 英里。
回程的時候繞道經由 Pike Place Market。整個市場是人擠人的遊客,和疫情發生前可能還過猶不及。市場也規定須要戴口罩,可是很多人還是自行我素。
昨天來回總共走了約 6 英里。