- Discovery may open new way to attack prostate cancer | ScienceDaily
- If you take a break from the gym during the holidays, muscle memory will help you : NPR
- Suffering from hypochondria? Author Caroline Crampton says you’re not alone : NPR
- For a kid with cancer, where they live has a huge impact on whether they’ll survive : Goats and Soda : NPR
- Love dark chocolate? A small piece each day may reduce your risk of diabetes : Shots – Health News : NPR
這是個 Reg. Ed. 的校車,出醜是被一群人看到。小朋友們緊張的通知我,還好可以”順路”的繞回去,不過是在停車點道路的另一邊,這是個社區道路還是安全的,且沒有耽誤多少時間。