- High heat is preferentially killing the young, not the old, new research finds | ScienceDaily
- Is Intermittent Fasting Good or Bad for You? | TIME
- A healthy diet helps the weighty battle with chronic pain | ScienceDaily
- Food recalls: What to know about recent outbreaks, food safety tips : NPR
- Consumers weigh the claim of health benefits against the risks of consuming raw milk : NPR
好久沒有去 H-Mart 了。昨晚去那裏發現隔壁的飲料店換老闆了,好多人哦!
商場裡面的壽司店也換人做了。飲食區來吃飯的人也少了很多,不像以前還要找座位。至於那一間越南店還在,因此試試它的 phở,算是我吃過的 phở 裡面油脂最肥的。