- Intuitive eating: The anti-diet, or how pleasure from food is the answer, say its creators – CNN
- Cycling to work? You may live longer — ScienceDaily
- CPR, by Default – The New York Times
- Living longer is important, but those years need to be healthy ones — ScienceDaily
- Friendship Is Crucial to the Adolescent Brain – The Atlantic
- The right music playlist makes your workouts more effective, study says – CNN
- Northern Lights Guide: What They Are and Where to See Them
- Age Discrimination Costs the Economy Billions
太太的車子的引擎燈亮了起來,查了一下引擎的 Error Code,似乎是要更換 Gas Canister Purge Value。
也是沒有貨,最近有貨的店是在 Spokane。不過他們星期二就可以調到貨,就只能等到星期二了。
車子的部份還好並不影響行車,只是會增加汽油的使用和引擎的 misfire。