- How AI can help spot early risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease | ScienceDaily
- Millions are at risk using high arsenic water for cooking | ScienceDaily
- Heat exposure may increase inflammation and impair the immune system | ScienceDaily
- Honey bees at risk for colony collapse from longer, warmer fall seasons | ScienceDaily
- Humans pass more viruses to other animals than we catch from them | ScienceDaily
我代班的路線駕駛二月最後一週就會回來,今天收到當她回來後的下一條路線,這是我標到的路線,將會是載高中生到 U-district 的學校。
昨天 Durham 的校車駕駛介紹會來了 12 個人,聽說是最多人參加的一次,工作似乎不是那麼的好找?