- Which foods do you eat together? How you combine them may raise dementia risk: Study finds ‘food networks’ centered on processed meats, starches may raise risk — ScienceDaily
- After a heart attack, physical activity makes you feel better — ScienceDaily
- The reason Zoom calls drain your energy – BBC Worklife
- If sunlight kills coronavirus, why not try UV lamps? – CNN
- ‘Zoom fatigue’ is taxing the brain. Here’s why that happens.
- How hearing loss in old age affects the brain — ScienceDaily
- Can Estrogen and Other Sex Hormones Help Men Survive Covid-19? – The New York Times
- Cleaning your bathroom to protect against coronavirus – CNN
今天去 H-Mart 採買時,太太發現整個店裡只有我們家是沒有戴口罩的那一群。到結帳離開時,也只看到另外兩三群的人沒有戴口罩。
Business Costco 裡面有戴和沒有戴的各佔一半。不過店裡面的肉品缺得很嚴重,幾乎是要唱空城。雞蛋倒是恢復了些,終於有兩打的包裝。上次買的十五打我們也快吃完。
州長延長 Stay-At-Home Order 到這個月底,一個半月不能去健身房,肌肉都變得鬆軟,在家忙著工作都不怎麼的運動。