- Dame Esther Rantzen renews call for assisted dying vote after report
- Temperature, humidity may drive future transmission of parasitic worm infections | ScienceDaily
- The human cost of climate-related disasters is undercounted, a new study finds : NPR
- Managing risk factors for common heart condition | ScienceDaily
- Wake-up call for us all to establish regular healthy sleeping patterns | ScienceDaily
今天是技術測驗,看看我們過去十天把 skills 背得如何?
我一直以為我準備得不夠,老是忘東忘西的,實際上卻比我想像好得多。第二章節完全沒有問題,而其他的章節雖然有些小錯誤,但是考試是允許錯至多 16 的地方(除了第二章節),因此就算今天去考 skills 的部分是會過關的。