- Omega-3 discovery moves us closer to ‘precision nutrition’ for better health | ScienceDaily
- Plastic use in agriculture must be reduced, according to new research | ScienceDaily
- Certain navigational mistakes could be early signs of Alzheimer’s disease | ScienceDaily
- Jet lag disorder associated with shift work can lead to brain changes increasing appetite | ScienceDaily
- How I Plan for Specific Tasks With Geographic Atrophy
三個月找工作的經驗,加上今年大大小小的解雇潮,競爭實在是太多。LinkedIn 上許多工作才上線短短的幾個小時,就已經超過數百人申請,讓我了解到必須回去學校拿些證書才行。
網路上查找了些,發現 Shoreline Community College 有這類的課程,就從這裡下手吧!