
I truly believe everyone has a biological clock.  This clock is different between one another.

For me, the most obvious change is the skin.  I generally have little burn or small cut from things I do.  As far as I can remember, the skin never left scars.  For the past few years, I notice that scars stay and never fade away.  The skin does not heal as nice and fast as it used to be.

我相信每個人的身上都有一個生理時鐘. 每個人的時鐘都不一樣.

對我來說, 四十歲以後身上最明顯的改變是皮膚. 我是個容易受傷的人. 各式各樣的小傷從電腦到紙張, 很多時候我都不知道這傷是從哪來的. 以前這些傷痕在好了以後, 便不容易查覺. 近幾年來, 受傷後還需要擦藥和貼 OK 繃來保護它, 不然會一傷再傷, 好得慢. 幾個月後, 這些疤痕還可以看得出是較淡的顏色. 傷痕恢復的速度比以前慢得多.
