- Slim people have a genetic advantage when it comes to maintaining their weight — ScienceDaily
- Muscle memory discovery ends ‘use it or lose it’ dogma — ScienceDaily
- Can Exercise Prevent Depression? Here’s What the Science Says | Time
- Skinny genes help keep some thin, new study finds – CNN
- Three benefits of (and three precautions about) outdoor winter exercise – CNN
早上起床,外面已經堆滿了雪。這次比幾天前少得許多,沒有三個小時就已經清掃完畢。 不過鄰居的車子把車道上的雪壓得扁扁的,灑上除雪劑後,下午又花了一個小時,把那些車道上的殘冰清理過,免得晚上又結成冰了。