- People make more patient decisions when shown the benefits first | ScienceDaily
- Short-term incentives for exercise can lead to sustained increases in activity | ScienceDaily
- Stopping aspirin one month after coronary stenting procedures significantly reduces bleeding complications in heart attack patients, study suggests | ScienceDaily
- Researchers developed new method for detecting heart failure with a smartphone | ScienceDaily
- Disparities in sleep health and insomnia may begin at a young age | ScienceDaily
中午時刻接到 dispatch 的電話,以為我去 silver firs 接小朋友了。而我以為這條路線今早已經被年資較高的駕駛認養。結果 dispatch 臨時請正職的 cover driver 代班。
下午送學生回到停車場後,突然被問到 Hazelwood 的小朋友?那是我明後天要代的班。發現實際上今天就必須開始,dispatch 弄錯了。臨時被叫去 Hazelwood 去把一對兄妹接回家。